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MANDALA VINYASA - a journey through the elements

**£25 each OR £80 for all 4**


These workshops explore the 4 elementals forces of nature and the way they manifest within us.  The aim of each session is to honour the attributes of each element with the ultimate goal of achieving balance and harmony between all.



Saturday 18th January 2020, 3 - 5pm, Lost in Yoga, SE5 0NG

Cultivating steadiness and strength this practice explores forward fold and hamstrings.  Energetically we will be activating Muladhara, the Root Chakra, related to grounding, stability, authenticity and trust.



Saturday 8th February 2020,  3 - 5pm, Lost in Yoga, SE5 0NG

Tapping into our feeling state, physically we explore inner thigh and groin.  Energetically we will be activating Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra, our source of movement, creativity and emotions.



Saturday 29th February 2020,  3 - 5pm, Lost in Yoga, SE5 0NG

Exploring our core energy we explore gluteal muscles and IT band with spinal twists and side extensions.  Energetically we will be activating Manipura Chakra, our solar plexus, related with our will power and ego identity.



Saturday 21st March 2020,  3 - 5pm, Lost in Yoga, SE5 0NG

Moving into the head and heart space expect backbends, shoulder and quadricep openers. Energetically we will be activating Anahata Chakra, related with our social identity, our faith, our mindset, our self love.


                                                Discount code MANDALA4 to get all 4 for £80








What is Mandala Yoga?

A Mandala is a geometric figure that represents the universe.  In a Mandala Vinyasa class we integrate circular movements in all directions to deepen our awareness and introspection in a way that may not be accessible in a linear pattern.  The Mandala practice is based on the four elements of Shamanic tradition, integrating Earth, Water, Fire and Air.


The four elements serve as powerful guides on how to live in synergy with nature. Every breath of air relaxes us. Fire gives us strength and energy. We learn to flow and be more fluid like water. The earth reminds us to heal and nourish ourselves.  All aspects of nature and ourselves need to exist in a harmonious balance in order for us to flourish.


What to expect:

Mandala Yoga connects each element with a specific area of the body, integrating the spiral patterns of nature with the circular movements of our bodies, as we move 360º around the mat.  The practice starts with an element focused meditation and a short Yin session to prepare the areas of the body that we will be working on.  The practice then moves into the Mandala flows, which are slow and steady and yet continuous.  Moving into stillness it progresses to a standing and seated section, closing with Yin to seal the energy generated.


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Claire Hawkins

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